Our mission:

To provide our customers with integral and reliable technological solutions specially adapted to their packaging and packing processes, with quality and performance guarantee, complying with the current safety and environmental standards.


Our goal:

To attain and mantain a high level of customer satisfaction by offering reliable and innovative solutions. To commit with sustainable development of our country and to become a reference as suppliers of technological solutions within our business.

What is "Synergy"?

Sinergia is the Social and Environmental Responsibility program that Desinmec has carried out as a Management Plan since 2015. We trust that the interaction of the Company with Society, the State and the Institutions generates a synergistic movement capable of promoting individual actions, betting on Common Welfare and the protection of the Environment




We believe that mutual honesty in our relationship with customers, suppliers and contributors is a necessary condition for business success.


We strive to offer sustainable solutions that are suitable for our customers, taking into consideration users and products’ safety and the reasonable use of resources and environment.


Buscamos que cada persona dentro de nuestra organización realice con motivación y con compromiso su tarea para cumplir los objetivos y lograr los mejores resultados entre todos.

Professional Ethics

We attempt that every person in our company performs his duty with motivation and commitment to attain our goals and to obtain the best possible results all together.

Visit Us

Ruta 6 Km 27,7 - San Carlos Sud (3017) Santa Fe, Argentina

Call Us

Tel: +54-3404-420785/423185

Cel: +54-9-3404-523895